doSmartQA/ Individual

QA Member Transformation

Enhance capabilities to do smart QA

Transform assurance practices of QA member(s) to enhance effectiveness, speed & productivity.

Next Cohort Begins - March 3

    Transformative coaching

    A methodology-driven approach to testing via focussed masterclasses and transformative coaching. Enable shift to a deep probing mindset and elevate individual QA practice to do better, lesser & faster.

    This is a unique combination of diagnostic, coaching, deep learning with practice implementation aided by AI enabled Smart Probing Assistant. The result - “Shift to a probing mindset and a method-based approach to test deeply & rapidly”.

    Key features

    Unique aspects

    Engagement Model

    Spread over EIGHT weeks with key outcomes of shift in mindset, high coverage, lowering leakage leading to High Performance QA, it consists of self diagnostic, learning, reflection, SmartQA habit formation & assessment.

    Transformation Model

    Transformation is accomplished in FOUR clear steps commencing by doing well first, then speeding up, then shift left and finally doing less by leveraging prior work.


    SmartQA Showcase

    Our work done with various customers over the years.

    “Transform QA practice to better, Faster & lesser“

    leading to lower defect escapes in seasonal releases, enhanced visibility of quality/risks to management and improved pride & ownership by QA.

    “Find issues early via brilliant dev tests“

    to enable smooth integration of components developed by various teams and rollout large applications with low cutover

    “Enhance coverage, Reduce escapes“

    to find dormant issues that would have otherwise derailed certification, improving code coverage by 10+% on a well tested embedded system code.

    “Reduce testing to deliver rapidly”

    by untangling test assets to optimise regression. Setup clear scope of dev and QA test, simplify documentation to ‘write less, think better & do smarter’.

    doSmartQA Solutions Comparison

    Typical challenges

    Four short insightful videos that clearly illustrate typical challenges of QA capacity, test adequacy, speed & early stage detection.

    Grappling with too much testing?
    Challenged by test adequacy?
    Troubled by development test?
    Weighed down by automation?

    Do LESS, Accomplish MORE

    Keen to transform assurance practices of QA member(s) to enhance effectiveness, speed & productivity?


    8-week coaching for QA folks
    Cohort begins soon.

    Transform assurance practices of QA member(s)
    to enhance effectiveness, speed & productivity.  Details
     HERE .

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