Immersive Session Testing

In today’s world of frequent build & releases, testing in short sessions is a way to doing smarter. Immersive session testing is a style that exploits the logical left with creative right, enabling one to immerse deeply & test rapidly in short sessions. Consisting of three phases of Reconnaissance, Explore and Recoup it is a great combination of yin & yang to enable one to be a state of flow, to test brilliantly.


Deep dive to rapidly understand an entity

Deep dive is about going deeper, by reading available spec, by exploring, and using information from past experiences to understand an entity. This is done rapidly with a sharp focus and a 360 vision in eight steps.

FI-Smart Plan

Smart Plan

Smart plan is simple & objective based – what entity to test, test for what issue(by conducting what test), test in what environment, test by whom (in case of a team),


Smart design

Let us talk a bit of test design now. We focus a lot of execution, and therefore the ability to cover more.


Designing for robustness

Doing SmartQA is not just evaluation. It is about enabling code that is being built to be robust. To resist errors creeping in, to code-in firewalls