Tags atul gawande Design checklists to “Do, Sync & Act” STAG Software December 29, 2017 This article is the second one on checklists, the first one being “The power of checklist“ Checklists seem to defend
Tags Agile testing The power of checklist STAG Software December 29, 2017 Recently I read the book “The Checklist Manifesto” by Atul Gawande. “An essential primer on complexity in medicine” is what
Tags HBT HyBIST enables agility in understanding STAG Software October 13, 2011 A Fortune 100 healthcare company building applications for next generation of body scanners, uses many tools including OS, compilers, webservers,
Tags HBT HyBIST implementation benefits more than just testing STAG Software November 27, 2010 We have been talking and advocating on various platforms, how scientific approach of HyBIST and the method, STEM, delivers key business
Tags HBT Quality injection – Scientific validation of requirements STAG Software August 9, 2010 Validating early stage pre-code artifacts like requirement document is challenging. This is typically done by rigorous inspection and requires deep