
Elevate to High Performance QA

We are SmartQA evangelists.

For over two decades we have transformed how individuals, teams and organisations have practised testing. We espouse methodology to test intelligently. Our mission - Elevate to high performance via SmartQA.

What is SmartQA?

It is about probing deeper to seek clarity and in the process uncover/preempt issues rapidly not limited to mere validation of code. It is about doing less to accomplish

Our Methodology HyBIST

Hypothesis-Based Immersive Session Testing (HyBIST) is an intellectual practice of probing with TWELVE key concepts to design smart probes and FIVE key practices to probe smartly in short immersive sessions.

We transform the practice of assurance

Via High end QA consulting to transform QA practice. Assisted by AI powered doSmartQA Assistant. To do less & accomplish more. To unlock higher business value. It is about mindset change, superior intellectual practice, skillful use of tools/tech and lean process to address challenges of Sr Engg/QA/Delivery Managers, Sr Test Practitioners/Leads and Test engineers via FOUR specific solutions.

doSmartQA ENTERPRISE doSmartQA TEAM doSmartQA INDIVIDUAL doSmartQA Anytime
Enterprise transformation QA team transformation QA member transformation Personal transformation
Target Mgr,Dev,QA Mgr,QA QA QA
Approach Coach-led Self-paced
Assist in implementation
Aided by AI-based tool doSmartQA Assistant Enterprise edition Personal Edition
Scientific thinking
Superior test design
Reduced escapes
Rich quality insights
Shift left
Leverage Org capacity
Smart Automation
High maturity QA Org wide Team wide Personal Personal

doSmartQA Solutions

Transform Enterprise, Team, Individual assurance practice. Improve org-wide QA practice or Enhance QA/Dev practice in a team or Change mindsets & quality practice of QA/Dev. Address challenges of too much testing, defect escapes, test adequacy, shift left and excessive automation. A unique combination of diagnostic, coaching, deep learning with practice implementation aided by AI enabled doSmartQA Assistant. Available as FOUR solutions.


Deploy org-wide smart assurance practices

Deep diagnosis of ORG-wide practice/process, transformative coaching and hand holding implementation of SmartQA practices for the enterprise. Includes SmartQA Implementation Aids and SIX month free licence for doSmartQA Assistant Enterprise Edition.


Transform your team
to do smartQA

Deep diagnosis of specific TEAM practice/process, transformative coaching and hand holding implementation of SmartQA practices for the team. Includes SmartQA Implementation Aids and SIX month free licence for doSmartQA Assistant Enterprise Edition.


Enhance capabilities
to do smart QA.

Self diagnostic to aid reflection, transformative coaching and SmartQA Implementation aids with perpetual free licence for doSmartQA Personal Edition.


Self paced transformation to do smartQA

Self diagnostic to aid reflection, self-paced transformation with online support and personal SmartQA aids with perpetual free licence for doSmartQA Personal Edition.


An AI enabled assistant to do smart QA

Assists one to interrogate, hypothesise issues, design and evaluate user story or a set of stories in a sprint deeply and rapidly. It is not a typical test automation, documentation or management tool; it is an assistant for smart session-based testing.

SmartQA Showcase

Our work done with various customers over the years.

“Transform QA practice to better, Faster & lesser“

leading to lower defect escapes in seasonal releases, enhanced visibility of quality/risks to management and improved pride & ownership by QA.

“Find issues early via brilliant dev tests“

to enable smooth integration of components developed by various teams and rollout large applications with low cutover

“Enhance coverage, Reduce escapes“

to find dormant issues that would have otherwise derailed certification, improving code coverage by 10+% on a well tested embedded system code.

“Reduce testing to deliver rapidly”

by untangling test assets to optimise regression. Setup clear scope of dev and QA test, simplify documentation to ‘write less, think better & do smarter’.

SmartQA Library

A rich collection of original content on smart assurance. eBooks for Senior Engg/QA managers, Sr Test Practitioner & Young Test Practitioners too. Profound nuggets of wisdom to think deeply, do rapidly & smartly for Test Practitioners.

SmartQA eBooks

SmartQA Wisdom

We evangelise SmartQA

Passionate about transforming the way clean code is produced, we publish a SmartQA Biweekly every fortnight, host a weekly webcast and have a dedicated online SmartQA Academy. For serious test practitioners we conduct “Higher Order Thinking Skills(HOTS) for SmartQA” program every quarter.

Learn at SmartQA Academy

Self paced masterclasses to develop a probing mindset with superior HyBIST-based tools, for smarter QA, development & management.

Listen to SmartQA Musings

A gentle flurry of interesting thoughts on smart assurance in a weekly webcast to broaden & deepen thoughts/actions.

Subscribe to SmartQA Biweekly

Ignite your curiosity with fresh insights, thought-provoking ideas, and inspiring content delivered straight to your inbox every fortnight.

Enroll in HOTS

“Higher Order Thinking Skills” Program -16 week pro-bono coaching for serious senior test practitioners.
Admission by invitation only.


8-week coaching for QA folks
Cohort begins soon.

Transform assurance practices of QA member(s)
to enhance effectiveness, speed & productivity.  Details

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